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For helpful information on how to safely ship a horn, see this video from Advisory Council member Ken Pope.
All classified ads posted in the IHS Member Market are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such content originated. The International Horn Society does not control, and is not responsible for content of these ads, and while we monitor and try to protect the integrity of these ads, the IHS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained in this section of the site. Buyers and sellers alike should be aware of possible scams associated with online commerce. For more information, see the US Federal Trade Commission's guides to avoid scams when selling online or buying online. In particular, pay attention to common cashier's check scams.
Selling simply because I rarely used it and haven't used it for a while. Sold unlacquered with case. Buyer pays for shipping and insurance. Description here: OVERVIEW Triple Horn! The combination of the secure high register and quick attack with the rich, warm timbre of the single Bb horn make the Triple horn ideal for many playing situations. This patented Yamaha design on the 4th rotor permits a unique tubing configuration and allows smooth, efficient transitions between the Bb and F horns.Hand-lapped rotary valves and slides Rotary valves and slides that have been hand-lapped are airtight and have smooth action.Hammered and annealed bell Hammering and annealing are processes so important to the instrument's acoustic characteristics that Yamaha employs computer-controlled equipment to ensure consistently superior sound.
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