The Horn Call is published tri-annually, with mailings as close as possible to October 1, January 1, and April 1. Submission deadlines for articles and News items are the first day of the month, two months prior to the issue (August 1, November 1, and February 1). Inquiries and materials intended for The Horn Call should be directed to the editor or appropriate contributing editor (see the list of editors to the left of this column).
The style manuals used by The Horn Call are The Chicago Manual of Style, fourteenth edition, and A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, sixth edition, by Kate Turabian. Refer to these texts or recent issues of The Horn Call for guidelines regarding usage, style, and formatting. The author’s name, email address (or home/business address), photograph, and a brief biography should be included with all submissions. Authors are hereby advised that there may be editorial spelling/style/grammatical changes to articles in order to maintain the journal’s format and professional integrity. In general, submissions should be approximately 1500 to 4000 words in length. Longer articles may be considered, but with the understanding that they may be edited for length and content, with the option to publish additional material from the original submission at
The Horn Call is currently created with Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Reader 9, and Acrobat. Prospective articles and accompanying materials (images, musical examples, etc.) should be submitted electronically to For large files and/or a large number of files, a link to a file-sharing service such as Dropbox, Google Drive, etc., can be included. Footnotes (endnotes) should be numbered consecutively (no Roman numerals) and placed at the end of the text. Musical examples should be attached as pdf, jpg, or tiff files, or embedded in a Word document. For images, 300 dpi is the minimum resolution necessary for clear reproductions in The Horn Call. A default Horn Call article template (18 KB) is available online.
For information on submitting music, books, or CDs for review, see Review submissions.
The octave designation system used in The Horn Call is scientific pitch notation, also known as American standard pitch notation and international pitch notation: