Welcome, Guest

Country Representatives must be IHS members and it is preferred that they have passable English language skills. The IHS invites applications for open Country Representative positions. Country Representatives serve the IHS by communicating society activities to IHS members in their country, as well as sharing information about horn activities in their country with the society worldwide. Country Reps also assist in recruiting and welcoming new IHS members and in communication between members in their area.

We are especially interested in hearing from people in regions or countries where we have not had Reps before. If your country's position is vacant, please read the job description and consider filling out an application. (You must be logged in to your IHS member account to access the application)
For more information contact Vice-President Bernardo Silva at vice-president@hornsociety.org.

Regional Coordinators
Asia/Oceania Sindy Wan, sindyallen@gmail.com
Central and South America Joel Ariasarias.linaresjoel@gmail.com

 The most recent area and country representative annual reports can be folder downloaded here .

Country Representatives
Argentina Luis Ariel Martino, martinohorn@gmail.com
Australia Francesco Lo Surdo, frankielosurdo@gmail.com
Austria Angelo Nuzzo, angelo.nuzzo@gmail.com
Belgium Kerry Turner, kerrydrewturner@gmail.com
Brazil Tiago Carneiro, carneiro.tiago@musica.ufrj.br
Canada Canadian Horn Society, wlimbertie@rogers.com
China Xi Zhu, capellmeister@tonkunstler-on-the-bund.com
Colombia Jorge Mejia, jorge1985mejia@gmail.com
Costa Rica Taylor Castillo, taylor1406cv@gmail.com
Czech Republic Zdenek Divoký, zdenek.divoky@atlas.cz
Finland Jukka Harju, harjunjukka@gmail.com
France Hervé Joulain, rvjoulain@gmail.com
Germany Christoph Ess info@christophess.de
Guatemala Josue Elias Jocop Siney, josjocops@gmail.com
Honduras David Abraham Andino Fuentes david.andino29@gmail.com
Iceland Joseph Ognibene, jjognibene@yahoo.com
India Vidhurinda Samaraweera, vidhurinda@gmsc.lk
Israel Aviram Freiberg aviramfr@gmail.com
Italy Angelo Bonaccorso, bonaccorsoangelo@gmail.com
Japan Mami Abe, mamiabehorn@gmail.com
Luxembourg Kerry Turner, kerrydrewturner@gmail.com
Malaysia Chee Ghee Sim, simcheeghee@gmail.com
Mexico Maria Martinez Robles, marianamtz0802@gmail.com
Netherlands Jack Munnecom, j.munnecom@icloud.com
Norway Espen Selvik, espen.selvik@yahoo.com
Panama Joel Arias, arias.linaresjoel@gmail.com
Poland Tadeusz Tomaszewski, tadziktomaszewski@gmail.com
Portugal Ricardo Matosinhos, rmatosinhos@gmail.com
South Korea Seok Joon Kwon, horn2020@nate.com
South Africa Erik Albertyn, erikalbertyn@me.com
Spain Javier Bonet, jbonettrompa@gmail.com
Sri Lanka Vidhurinda Samaraweera, vidhurinda@gmsc.lk
Switzerland Alexandre Zanetta, zanetta.alexandre@gmail.com
Thailand Daren Robbins, darenrobbins@gmail.com
U.S.A. Jennifer Sholtis, jennifer.sholtis@tamuk.edu
Venezuela Joel Arias, arias.linaresjoel@gmail.com
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