Excerpt 1
Excerpt 1 – I. ms. 12-25
Horn 1 in F
Horn 2 in F
Audio Files
Berlin Chamber Orchestra, Peter Wohlert
Chamber Orchestra of Europe, no conductor
Philharmonic Virtuosi, Richard Kapp
Tafelmusik, Jeanne Lamon (period instruments)
Excerpt 2
xcerpt 2– I. Allegro
ms. 36-43
Horn 1 in F
Horn 2 in F
Audio Files
Berlin Chamber Orchestra, Peter Wohlert
Chamber Orchestra of Europe, no conductor
Philharmonic Virtuosi, Richard Kapp
Tafelmusik, Jeanne Lamon (period instruments)
Excerpt 3
Excerpt 3 – I. Allegro
ms. 65-74
Horn 1 in F
Horn 2 in F
Audio Files
Berlin Chamber Orchestra, Peter Wohlert
Chamber Orchestra of Europe, no conductor
Philharmonic Virtuosi, Richard Kapp
Tafelmusik, Jeanne Lamon (period instruments)
Excerpt 4
Excerpt 4 – III. Allegro
ms. 1-17
Horn 1 in F
Horn 2 in F
Audio Files
Berlin Chamber Orchestra, Peter Wohlert
Chamber Orchestra of Europe, no conductor
Philharmonic Virtuosi, Richard Kapp
Tafelmusik, Jeanne Lamon (period instruments)
Excerpt 5
Excerpt 5 – III. Allegro
ms. 84-end
Horn 1 in F
Horn 2 in F
Audio Files
Berlin Chamber Orchestra, Peter Wohlert
Chamber Orchestra of Europe, no conductor
Philharmonic Virtuosi, Richard Kapp
Tafelmusik, Jeanne Lamon (period instruments)
Excerpt 6
Excerpt 6 – IV. Trio 2
Horn1 in F
Horn 2 in F
Audio Files
Berlin Chamber Orchestra, Peter Wohlert
Chamber Orchestra of Europe, no conductor
Philharmonic Virtuosi, Richard Kapp
Tafelmusik, Jeanne Lamon (period instruments)